
Lipo 360 vs non-surgical fat reduction – Comparing your options

Lipo 360, or circumferential liposuction, is a surgical procedure that targets fat removal from multiple body areas, including the abdomen, flanks, back, and sometimes the thighs and arms. The “360” refers to the comprehensive treatment of the entire midsection circumference. Lipo 360 is performed under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation and involves making small incisions in the targeted areas, through which a thin tube called a cannula is inserted. The cannula is used to break up and suction out the excess fat, resulting in a more contoured and sculpted appearance.

Benefits of lipo 360

  • Significant fat reduction – Lipo 360 removes substantial fat cells from the treated areas, providing noticeable results in a single session.
  • Comprehensive body contouring – Lipo 360 creates a more balanced and proportionate silhouette by targeting multiple areas around the midsection.
  • Long-lasting results – Once the fat cells are removed, they don’t grow back, making the results of Lipo 360 long-lasting, as long as a stable weight is maintained through a healthy lifestyle.
  • Skin tightening – In some cases, Darren M Smith the lipo 360 surgeon promote mild skin tightening due to the removal of underlying fat and the body’s natural healing response.

Non-surgical fat reduction

Non-surgical fat reduction treatments have recently gained popularity as an alternative to invasive procedures like liposuction. These treatments use various technologies to target and destroy fat cells without incisions or anaesthesia. Some standard non-surgical fat reduction methods include:

  1. CoolSculpting – This treatment uses controlled cooling (cryolipolysis) to freeze and eliminate fat cells. The body’s natural processes gradually remove the treated fat cells over several weeks to months.
  2. SculpSure – SculpSure employs laser energy to selectively heat and destroy fat cells. The body then eliminates the damaged fat cells over time, resulting in a slimmer appearance.
  3. Ultrashape – This treatment uses focused ultrasound energy to target and break down fat cells metabolized by the body.
  4. Kybella – Kybella is an injectable treatment that reduces submental fat. It includes a synthetic variant of deoxycholic acid, which aids in the dissolution of fat cells.

Benefits of non-surgical fat reduction

  • Non-invasive – Non-surgical treatments don’t require incisions, anaesthesia, or extensive downtime, making them a more convenient option for many people.
  • Minimal discomfort – Most non-surgical treatments involve minimal discomfort, with patients often describing a cooling, warming, or tingling sensation during the procedure.
  • Gradual results – While results are not as dramatic as Lipo 360, non-surgical treatments can provide gradual improvements over several sessions, allowing for a more subtle transformation.

When deciding between Lipo 360 and non-surgical fat reduction, consider your specific goals, the amount of fat you wish to remove, your tolerance for downtime and recovery, and your budget. Lipo 360 may be better if you seek more dramatic results and are okay with a more extended recovery period. Non-surgical treatments may be preferred if you have mild to moderate fat deposits, want a non-invasive approach, and are willing to achieve results gradually over multiple sessions. It’s essential to consult with a qualified and experienced provider who assesses your needs and recommends the most appropriate treatment plan. They provide detailed information about each option, including expected results, costs, and potential risks.